Celebrating Labor Day might be one of the easier holidays to celebrate in the classroom. You don’t need tons (or any) decorations or a party of sorts. Simply talking about Labor Day will even suffice! However, if you are the type of teacher who likes to take it a step further, read on for some ideas for celebrating Labor Day in the classroom.
One of the old standbys is to have people from different careers come to speak to your class about what they do for work. By having a diverse array of careers represented, your students will learn that any job, be it being a lawyer or a housewife, takes work.
Having students write about what they would like to be when they grow up will probably be the most treasured item any of us will have. I still have my assignments where I went through wanting to be a teacher, singer, writer, and I think at one time a dolphin trainer(?)
To create a more visual representation, I had the kids tell me what they wanted to be and I wrote it on a small whiteboard and then took their pictures. I created a fun collage to gift to parents so one day when their child is older, they can look back and see what they wanted to be.
P.S. I’m pretty sure some kids just chose their parent’s careers…or watched Dexter(I didn’t even know what a forensic pathologist was at the time)!
Having students write about what they want to be is a great way to do a lesson on goals. For older students, they can discuss steps they would take to achieve that goal and why they want to do that specific career. Labor Day is also a way to have students practice letter writing. They can write to community service members to show their appreciation for what they do.
Labor Day Activities
If you are strapped on time, but still want to celebrate my Labor Day Activities Pack is perfect!
This mini-unit contains over 30 letter writing templates so students can write a letter to someone who has a certain career! This is great for letter-writing practice and can be used all year for writing centers or early finishers! There are also over 30 DIGITAL options to use with Google Classroom or Seesaw.
Celebrate Labor Day even more with a word search, a reading comprehension page to learn about Labor Day, and quick writing activity, “When I Grow Up”. Also included is a 5-page flipbook for students to write or draw clues as to what they want to be when they grow up. This could be a cute interactive bulletin board for Open House or Meet the Teacher!
Click here or on the image above to see the pack!