Chrysanthemum is an amazing book to read during back to school, or any time of the year and now you have tons of math and ELA activities all in a fun Chrysanthemum theme! Cover standards such as elapsed time, sequencing, place value, homophones, 2 digit addition and subtraction, parts of speech, graphs, creative writing and much more!
With this Chrysanthemum unit, you will not only teach your students math and ELA topics, but also lessons in kindness, name appreciation, how to compliment others, and much more. This unit is great for back to school, but since it it is NO PREP, it can be used throughout the year in a variety of ways!
❤️ In this product you will find: ❤️
• A Wrinkled Heart Lesson
• 2 Heart Templates
• Puzzle Piece Heart (for character traits)
• Seeds of Sequence– Character changes
• 3 Writing Prompts
• Chrysanthemum How Many Words Can You Make
• Chrysanthemum Letters to cut (5 to a page)
• Absolutely Alphabetical– put the words in ABC order
• *Challenge * Class Names ABC Order
• Pocket Possessions (What Are Your Favorite Things?)
• Chrysanthemum Word Search
• Class Name Graph (How Many Letters?)
• Class Name Graph Math Problems
• *Challenge* Find the number of the letter A in the class or small group
• Name Codes (How Much is Your Name Worth?)
• Flower Facts: add two 2 digit numbers and color accordingto the code.
• Chrysanthemum Code: Solve 2 digit addition problems to solve the code.
• Chrysanthemum Comparison: Compare yourself with Chrysanthemum.
• Chrysanthemum Comprehension: Use complete sentences to answer questions about the story.
• Mend the Broken Heart: Add 2 digit addition problems and color according to even or odd.
• Compliment Flower Instructions and Template
•Puzzle Heart for all about me or writing maps
• Pocketful Parts of Speech: Color the pockets according to the words part of speech
• Class Name Graph versions for different math levels
• Absolutely Perfect Addition: Color the picture according to the color code.
•Victoria’s Verbs: Fill in the blanks in the sentences using the correct verb tense of a word.
•Flower Fragments: Color the flower to show if the sentence is complete or a fragment, then fix the sentences that are fragments.
•Hearts and Homophones: Read a letter Chrysanthemum wrote to Mrs. Twinkle and circle the correct homophones that fit the sentence.
•Doubles and Daisies: Add the doubles equations. Challenge of noting the pattern and then solving a few doubles plus one problems.
•Perfect Place Value: Read the directions and color the flowers based on the clues given of the numbers place value.
•Macaroni and Cheese Math: Using the graph, answer the questions about how much macaroni and cheese Chrysanthemum and her friends ate.
•Mrs. Twinkle’s Time: Write the digital time for analog clocks. Includes only on the hour and half past.
•Absolutely Perfect Adjectives: Fill in the graphic organizer using adjectives to describe Chrysanthemum.
• My Name Acrostic Craft
•Me Heart Quilt Activity
• What Makes Me Unique Flower Pot Craft
See what teachers like yourself are saying!
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐This resource had more than we even needed!! I love having so many options, and the students enjoyed the activities we chose. -Laura M
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐love love love this! My kids loved these activities. I let them listen to the story and wrinkle and smooth the heart in this pack to show how your heart hurts when someone is rude or unkind. thank you!- Jennifer S.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐One of my favorite stories! The activities were great and my students loved them! -Tiffany O.
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